Ashes Ashes

Ep 64 - Sweet Re-Release



Episode 64 - "Sweet Re-Release" It's natural, it's delicious, it's everywhere, and it may be killing us. For years, sugar has been overlooked as a serious detriment to our health because of the manipulations of the sugar industry in both science and politics, but the lies are coming to light as the diseases caused by that deadly white powder threaten to overwhelm the health systems of the world. Can we wake in time up to the danger that this major health risk is posing? Or are we too addicted to the sweet release? Join us this week as we explore the how and why of sugar. This episode originally published March, 2018, and we have a few up to date comments to make before and after. Chapters 05:45 Progress in the 21st Century 09:50 The Scam 18:11 "Pure, White, and Deadly" 19:12 Ancel Keys 20:17 Seven Countries Study 22:16 Coca-cola continues the scam in 2015 25:00 The Start of Nutrition 29:24 Pendulum Swings 32:32 The Failure of the Scientific Method and Industry Infiltration 35:43 "This is Objective Scien