Ashes Ashes

Ep 24 - Suspect Science



Episode 24 - "Suspect Science" The depiction of forensic science in popular entertainment is ubiquitous. We might be lead to believe that the field utilizes actual scientific methods of crime scene analysis to bring criminals to justice with irrefutable evidence, but a closer look reveals a very different story. This week we draw a magnifying glass over this industry rife with broken incentives, subjective guesswork, and willful negligence. Our entire justice system will need a massive restructuring if there can be any hope of preventing innocent people from being sent to prison - or worse. Can law and order be saved or is the system and its methods rotten to the core? Chapters A full transcript is available as well as detailed links and sources (plus credits and more) on our website Find more information along with relevant news and links on your favorite social network @ashesashescast. CC BY-SA 4.0