Ashes Ashes

Ep 16 - What We Reap



Episode 16 - "What We Reap" Global topsoil is being lost at terrifying rates. So much so that many experts predict less than 60 years left of agricultural yields before the global food system collapses. Add to this questionable chemical inputs, monoculture, and other large-scale industrial practices as well as the dangers climate change introduces to disrupt traditionally fertile regions (decreasing yields further and impacting food nutrition) and we've got a perfect storm on the horizon. We are joined by Chris D'Alessandro of Harvest Moon Garden & Orchard to discuss organic farming techniques, what it means to form a regenerative relationship with the soil, and hopefully how we can avoid this coming tragedy. Chapters 04:51 Unsustainability 06:25 Can Anyone Farm? 08:17 What is Topsoil? 13:12 Soil: Bacteria 13:54 Soil: Fungus 16:15 Pear Tree from the Ashes 18:17 Chemical Revolution 20:42 Soil: Nitrogen 26:30 Overshoot and Carrying Capacity 29:45 Industrial Agriculture 34:23 Debt Cycle of Fear 36:50 Fi