Crown On

The 411 of beauty pageants, Lupita Jones and her controversial comments on transgenders in beauty pageants and all the latest of Nuestra Belleza Latinas second gala. Special Guest: Joss Favela, Giselle Blondet, NBL Contestants Andrea Bazarte, and Iconic M



In this episode the girls split up, Aleyda continues backstage at the NBL beauty reality show and brings us highlights of the second gala of the competition. She interviews regional music sensation Joss Favela who himself started his career thanks to a reality music competition, NBL contestant Andrea Bazarte, who has twice been nominated for elimination since the start of the competition and Giselle Blondet who defends Lupita Jones, former NBL judge and Ms. Universe 1991 regarding her controversial comments about transgenders participating in beauty pageants.Meanwhile, Vanessa is at the Iconic Model Search competition where she speaks to Joe Ahmed, founder and co-director of the pageant to talk about what it takes to win a competition and all the latest regarding the Miss Earth, Mr. Global international competition and the Iconic Model Search castings in Puerto Rico. Vanessa also speaks to this year’s winners of Mr. Global, Dario Duque and Teen Universe International Melanie Cruz.  Join th