Old Books New Thought

Ep. 77 | The Infinite Way – Part 4



In Episode 77, co-hosts Kim-Char Meredith, Sharon Dziubski and Rev. Mary Beth Speer discuss ideas presented in “The Infinite Way" by Joel S. Goldsmith (Part 4). CHAPTER 4: Charles Fillmore, ‘the quickening’ happens within… Goldsmith says it is ‘the realization of a presence always present…”; States and Stages of Consciousness, Spiral Dynamics, Ken Wilbur; It is a state of consciousness becomes visible as a person because of the finite concept we hold of God; Moses-Leader consciousness, Isaiah - Prophet consciousness, Jesus - Saving, Grace consciousness, Paul-Preacher/Teacher consciousness; Current consciousness in government; Lacking high consciousness, I stuff it; Be gentle with your self and more toward your True Self; Even though I judged, I can step back and recognize I am not the mistaken thought and feeling - and I can change it; mistaken thought = contrary to truth of who I am; See the evolution of consciousness evolving through our history; Everything has its place and time when it is arising in co