Neil Delamere's Sunday Best

"I'm Out Of Work And Feel Failure And Disappointment"



Our resident agony aunt Niamh Fitzpatrick joins us every week to give listeners advice on a whole range of problems. This week, Niamh helped someone who has become disheartened as they search for a new job. Dear Neil and Niamh, I am out of work a few months now and it’s really affecting me personally. I love working and have always worked really hard, so I suppose I am harboring feelings of failure and disappointment. I have always been very self-aware and I can see how much my confidence has been knocked and it’s becoming more and more challenging as time goes on to avoid becoming paranoid and down. I am really giving job hunting efforts 100% but I am feeling lost. It feels like my career plan has gone up in smoke and if I am completely honest, I feel angry because I worked way too hard to be here. I have no money for nights out and lunch catch ups so it can become isolating and boring. I know I need to be dishing out positive vibes to the universe to be landing a job that excites me but I feel l