Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

25. The Gift of Gifts | Pause, Open, Ask, Give ...



Every day that we wake us is a good day. Every breath that we take is filled with hope for a better day. Every word that we speak is a chance to change what is bad into something good." — Walter Mosley Here we are a new week. Ready to make it amazing? This week, a little unscripted sharing...  what's been up since my trip to France the gift of gifts time to pause, reset and be  saying YES,  receiving and giving including one of my favourite write it down gifts EVER. So glad you're here. THIS WEEK'S LINKS Beautiful journals (in my photos) from The Grace Files (absolutely the loveliest my friends). My Australian friend Judy I'm forever blessed by you. Xanthe Shelagh  All images edited with the Hygge Collection. Let's check in So what do you say? Where might you ask for help? Are you open to receive with a grateful heart? Are you open to give when the opportunity finds you? This week, take it to the page, and see what comes up. It might just surprise you. xx Kim xx Kim p.s. Have you written your Tiny Little