Wilde About Wellbeing

Wednesday Wellness - The Top 10 Things I've Learnt To Simplify My Wellbeing Journey and Addiction Recovery



I was sober in AA for eight years, and although it wasn't right for me, recovery then - and now - have taught me a lot about how to simplify my journey!   Here I share ten short tips about how I'm learning (notice the present tense!! Ha!) to better manage my wellbeing journey... I think these have really simplified my recovery.    Honorable Mentions: The IGNTD program that I follow, as a more viable (for me!) alternative to AA is run by Dr Adi Jaffe My WAW Wednesday Wellness on Probiotics - where I discuss the gut-brain axis. My WAW episode on habits and rituals - find the FREE workbook link in the shownotes for that episode!   FREE guide to my TOP TEN motivational tips for a better life!  Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website