Wilde About Wellbeing

Ready to lift up the hood? Kaizen, the improvement of car manufacture, and how you can apply it to your life!



My word of the year for 2019 is "kaizen", the Sino-Japanese word that means "improvement".  The process of continuous improvement has made incredible changes in my life, allowing me to start focussing on "how can I make this action / behaviour / decision better next time?". I share my experience with the concept, and also give you some ideas of how to apply it in your own life     0-7: Defining 'kaizen'. How it originated at Toyota, and the process that they undertook at the car factories. 7-16: How we can apply the standardisation concept of kaizen in real life. 16-23: Kaizen doesn't entail any notion of completion.  23-31: My suitcase packing analogy, and how it's okay to try different methods to try and find improvements in our lives. Dr Adi Jaffe's 1% Principle - taking baby steps to progress in recovery / abstinence programmes. 31-36: The ease of measurability in kaizen, and ways in which you can apply the ability to measure time / distance etc to make kaizen more applicable in everyday life. 36-40: Look