Career Goals With Kris Calvert

Kamber Parker | Greenville Area Parkinson Society



Kris chats with Kamber Parker, Associate Director at Greenville AreaParkinson’s Society and creator of the young professional blog the YoProKnow. From Kamber we will learn what it’s like to confidently join the corporate world only to discover very quickly into your new life that’s it’s just not for you! How can you use a negative experience to catapult you into self-discovery and self-awareness to find your passions? What about starting a blog to build a community of people going through similar life challenges?! Kamber shares the ins and outs of working in the non-profit world—why you have to be organized and flexible as well as have a driving force for the greater good. Along the way, she tells her story which will inspire you not to give up, to learn as much as you can about yourself, and to have the courage to move on when you know it’s not the right fit.