Old Books New Thought

Ep. 80 | The Infinite Way – Part 7



In Episode 80, co-hosts Kim-Char Meredith, Sharon Dziubski and Rev. Mary Beth Speer discuss ideas presented in “The Infinite Way” by Joel S. Goldsmith (Part 7). CHAP. 7 - Prayer: Prayer and meditation, chorus and verse of the same song; Nature of prayer, scientific prayer; Not penitent or beseeching a God ‘out there’, but praying to, from, through and AS God; the ‘Altitude’ of prayer - God in me, as me, is me; Affirming Truth, aligning human mind with higher mind; Prayer as a tool to bring us back to our Self; Centering prayer, Contemplative Outreach Chicago, mystical roots of prayer and meditation; Father Thomas Keeting; Consenting, choosing a sacred word or breath, allowing the Spirit; Gently return to your sacred word; ‘10,000 opportunities to return back to God’; Prayer is a discipline, a choice, intentional; Working with a tool makes you more adept with that tool; Moving into a ‘unitive’ consciousness and a sense of ‘being One’; Practicing Prayer so that ultimately false idea of self ‘gets out of the wa