Dicks N' Cider Show

Camels & Dildos



Circle Jerk #153 “Camels & Dildos” This week we circle jerk it with just the 4 of us, kicking it old school with new rules. Movie Mark was going to sit in with us this week but as he pulled into Erv’s driveway his breaks went out and that put the brakes on him joining in. Although we would have had more fun with him, we were able to circle jerk it with some new laughs thanks to Arizona and their stupid laws. Hence the name of the show this week. We introduce a new intro song, Thanks to Six, and we also introduce what we call the Disk Of Destiny. So this year we will be letting the Disk Of Destiny chose our show. Aside with our normal banter we will implement 4 spins which = 4 random topics into the show. We hope you enjoy and make sure to listen to the two songs added in by a Madison Wisconsin Native band called Wheelhouse. This weeks featured Podcast is…….There is no featured podcast This weeks featured song is……..Beginning: On The Run by Wheelhouse ……..Ending : East Coast Elaine by Wheelhouse