Dr. Bill And The Pak

Episode 14: Aint No Sunshine When Keen's Gone



It's a wild one. Dr. Peanut (now a permanent namechange) & the Pak are joined by returning guests Big T & Bigger J, and guest from the west Keenan. Keen has put out some projects as Cafe Lounge and heads up IDS Recordings. Props to him for the intro & outro music this episode. Check out IDS on Bandcamp here: https://idsrecordings.bandcamp.com/ Also, I apologize for the tech difficulties once again. Since recording this episode I have enrolled in a 12-week training seminar on how to press the record button and it's going swimmingly so I'll be able to do that much more often in the coming episodes :) Love, Pak Love mail for Pak/Hate mail for Bill - drbillandthepak@gmail.com Voicemail line - (669) 257-4046