Dicks N' Cider Show

Father's Fun



Circle Jerk #161 “Fathers Fun” This week we Circle Jerk It with the Chief on Father’s Day, and talk about a whole load of shit. It has been awhile since we can get together, time and life seems to throw a curve ball at us when it comes to getting in the Purple Podcast Pad This weeks featured Podcast is…….The Pod Gods Network. This weeks featured song is………No feature LambPoon Find all you need to know about Dicks N’ Cider Show at our website. www.dicksncidershow.com Follow us on Twitter, @DickdNCiderShow Like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/DicksNCiderShowPage Friend us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/DicksNCiderShowPodcast Come hang out with us live too on Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108363829793237776993/108363829793237776993/posts/p/pub Go listen LIVE at http://cweradio.com/ Make sure to check out all the great podcasts on the Pod Gods Network! www.podgodsnetwork.com