Dicks N' Cider Show

6 Month Detention



Podcast Show #111This weeks podcast #111 we are joined with Nadz, Ice, Six and Erv. GG is out this week. We go over how we get a 6 month detention from our you tube account, thanks to Ice’s video for Scrotum Face. No worries though, it willl be up on our web site soon enough. www.dicksncidershow.com We also go over a few articles that regard Wisconsin people and Ice brings in a top ten. holy Crap a top ten. We also introduce a new lambpoon from Nadz, The Go-Go’s We Got The Beat, Parody = We Gotta Pee. Funny stuff. Featured Song this week is KGP Conspiracy’s “It’s A Crazy World" We hope you enjoy, and drop us a line dncpodcast@gmail.com with suggestions and comments,Or hit us up with your own music at dncpodcastmusic@gmail.com to let us play your music on our show. Or if you know of a band or an individual that is musically talented, send them our way.Also hit up podgodsnetwork.com for many more great, and truely independent podcasts in the great wide sea of them that arre out there.