Warren Whitlock

Tracking Technology with David Gosse



David Gosse is a serial entrepreneur that specializes in technology. He is the founder of Namechk.com, the Founder & CEO of Tracky Inc., and he owns two patents for internet search algorithms and has a third patent pending. Since childhood he has believed that technology promises a better future, and getting things done should be easier. His passion is to help improve the way we can all socially collaborate and thus simplify our lives. Most of his career has involved the search engine industry, and he's learned how the internet works. He has raised millions in startup capital, built and sold businesses and assembled stellar teams. He has also failed numerous times when launching what he thought was the next big thing. What he has learned from it all is that we are social, and most of the fun, passion, deals and partnerships happen because of relationships. With his latest endeavor, Tracky, he's trying to help us all socialize for reasons more than entertainment in the hope that everyone improves their q