Warren Whitlock

Building Your Business using New Media



Nearly every day, we hear about another idea for new media, social media platforms, tools, marketing methods and tactics change the world… Where do you start? There is one easy to use must have tool for any business. A simple blog site. Regardless of what other website, e-commerce, database, or social networking strategy you deploy, there's nothing like a blog to keep people up to date, on track, and moving in the same direction. New media expert Brett Bumeter joins me to discuss case studies and concrete examples of the ROI of your business can get from putting a blog at the center of your online media Bret and I met at a new media event years ago, looking at many opportunities beyond blogs. His work in video, audio and other media has brought him back to blogging as a center point. Join us to learn the best practices for quick results and strategies you can implement for real business results.