Tanner-price Ame Church

Bible Study: Acts 9 - Audio



On the day of Pentecost, the church was birthed under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, and that power manifested itself in an exponential growth and consistent display of spiritual gifts and miraculous growth we still have yet to replicate more than two thousand years later. We've all discussed and heard many sermons outlining reasons why the early church had the power to do so much more then than we do now, but regardless of what perspective we bring to the discussion, what is clear is that these disciples had an unprecedented, unmatched courage most of us only dream to have. Our study of the book of Acts is as an analysis and application of a collection of case studies profiling monuments of extraordinary courage in both life and ministry. Our prayer is that, as we progress through this book, we can derive inspiration and courage from those shown by the disciples, and, as a result, live better, more impactful and God-glorifying lives. Evangelism and outreach are our major emphases for