Tanner-price Ame Church

Bible Study: Create in Me a Right Spirit - Audio



We need to pray. However, while prayer is the most important aspect of Christian living, it is also its most misunderstood and neglected practice. While no method or style of prayer is superior to another, there are specific types of prayer that are most effective for particular situations. Furthermore, the spirit with which we approach God in prayer can either help or hinder our efforts. These and other issues underscore our need to get a firm grasp on this spiritual discipline. With all that is going on in the world right now and with where God is taking us as a church, we need to learn how to pray fervently and effectively, with a right spirit and a correct focus. By exploring misconceptions about prayer, examining and exploring types of prayer, discussing prayer materials, looking at examples of prayer warriors, and learning the correct approaches to prayer, we will become more effective in this most important area in our lives. Because of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for the sin