James Miller | Lifeology

Committing to your dream: Guest - Christina Nitschmann



We all have dreams we hope to accomplish but many of us fail to complete them because we are not fully committed in making it happen. Often we are defeated before we even start, either because we jump the gun without a plan, or we allow others to discourage us. Your success is determined by you and you alone. You can do it! Radio host and business consultant, Christina Nitschmann shares her own story of how she started and became so successful in her career. She also gives insight and tips in ways people can fully commit to their own dream. SavvyBusinessRadio.com For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Consult with James to simplify and transform your life. Be sure to subscribe to this podcast through any of your podcast portals. Plea