James Miller | Lifeology

Using your environment to change your mood: Guest - Alison Kero



Your environment is often a good barometer for how you are feeling internally. If you are struggling to change your mood, tidy your environment. It will help you put your emotions back in order. Living a proactive life means you put processes in place before you need them. Maintaining your version of tidiness in your home environment will help you keep your internal self in order.  Alison Kero, an author and a professional organizer, shares her personal struggle with a chronic illness and how she used her organizational skills to not only purge her house of things that she did not need, but she also uses this methodology in all areas of her life. http://www.ackorganizing.com. For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy courses created specifically for successful people like you. Consult with James t