3 Minutes With Kent

AMA: Impostor Syndrome and self doubt



#546 (https://github.com/kentcdodds/ama/issues/546) Transcript: [00:00:00] Hey everybody today is January 24th, it's a Thursday and I am running late today. Had a couple of things going on. You know taxes and stuff had to do this morning. But today I'm answering question number five hundred and forty six. The question is titled "Imposter syndrome and self-doubt." The Oscars name is Ritchie from Melbourne Australia. And the question asks about or says I've been in the industry for 10 plus years and it's only recently I began doubting myself as a developer. How or have you or do you know somebody who has experience imposter syndrome. If so how did you or they overcome it. So I think that everybody like imposter syndrome is something that a lot of people can relate to. I have definitely felt imposter syndrome. Sometimes I especially early on in my career I was like I'm literally just spending all of my time asking other people questions and I feel like that's probably the same anytime you try something new. Even