Discovering The Truth W/ Dan Duval

The Depths of the Illuminati Part 5 with Robert



Robert Vandriest Mitchell is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval to go further into his story and memories. Robert Vandriest Mitchell is an Illuminati defector, and a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government Sponsored Mind Control projects at the highest levels. In today's program he joins Dan Duval to discuss the subjects of alternate timelines and black eyed children. Having had experience with both he brings a lot of insight to the discussion. As with former programs, Robert will be allowing memories to be related to us by one of his alters. You will learn what this alternate personality experienced and encountered on other timelines, not only dealing with earth but also with Mars. This will be another program that is guaranteed to leave your jaw on the floor. You can visit Robert's new blog at Be sure to visit us at and every Friday and Sunday night at 7:00 pm CST at!