C View Quantum Network

3/22 ~ C View 2019 Conversations with Arya by channeler, Stephanie Massengale



C View presents Conversations with Arya by channeler, Stephanie Massengale. In a manner similar to those of Esther Hicks with Abraham, or Lee Carroll with Kryon, Stephanie Massengale will channel loving messages from Arya. #TAKEMYCALL - JUMP the long list of FREE callers for only $11: www.PayPal.me/Pureco/11 Arya is a loving being from the fifth dimensional realm. She is Arcturian. The average Arcturian lives to be about 400 years of age according to your calendar. The Arcturians are honored to help those on our planet to raise their rates of vibration into a more loving and helpful species. The beauty of this type of connection is that your intention to know these answers has created the window of opportunity for this show to even occur. So many have wondered and looked up at the sky and hoped that other species exist. Well, Arya can assure you that they do. However, most would not step any kind of foot on such a violent planet. This is the truth. So, in essence, speaking with Arya is like having a