C View Quantum Network

3/15 ~ C View 2019 Ready to Heal Now guest Jamye Price. Betsy Sawyer Gaylin



C View and Ready to Heal Now with host Betsy Sawyer Gaylin are proud to present guest Jamye Price. Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, author, and teacher. Her work is practical, esoteric, and grounded so that it is applicable into life. Jamye teaches loving empowerment for Lightworkers and empaths on a path of Ascension. She developed a healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, which is a powerful alchemical template of Soul Progression. She also channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are transformational Creation Codes that further align you with your Soul. She teaches others to access this profound form of channeling. Jamye also channels Areon, The Lyran Council of Time. These loving Lyran messages are focused on humanity’s Ascension and connecting you with your timeless nature as you move into fourth and fifth dimensional expression. Host Betsy started her journey into alternative healing at the age of 23, after being suddenly diagnosed with lupus and rheumatoid arthrit