C View Quantum Network

1/11 ~ C View 2019 'Winging It' with the Angels. Stefanie Finn Channeler



Join C View in welcoming Stefanie Finn 2019 show: 'Winging It' with the Angels. Stefanie is a light-worker bringing the angelic realm to the earth-plane at this most glorious time! On each episode, she will will move from topic to topic, style to style and tone to tone, callers are welcome to get messages and enjoy! It is important to note that these received messages are not angel-card readings, or predictive psychic readings, but rather an opportunity to receive profound guidance from the archangels from mighty high-up planes. call (805) 830-8344 or http://tobtr.com/11117795 #TAKEMYCALL - for only $11 you can JUMP the long list of callers www.Paypal.me/Pureco/11 - please email Claudia Pureco your number you'll use to call (cview1111@gmail.com) Your Own Angel Channel - spiritual guidance for your soul and light for your path. Epic Eye Activation - The pineal gland is the center of seeing beyond the veil and into the vastness of universal oneness. An epic eye activation has the potential to unlock the par