C View Quantum Network

9/21/2018 ~ C View: Planetary Activation Series: September Equinox. Celia Fenn



C View proudly presents 2018 September Equinox as part of the Planetary Activation Series by Celia Fenn (Archangel Michael Channeler) - join us a we once again meet with Celia on this auspicious activation that will prepare us for the 11/11/11 Gateway. The influence of Alpha Leonis in Virgo is a powerful time to really begin to live the energy of the New Earth in our lives. We have arrived, there is no going back. The beautiful flows of abundant Diamond Light and Water Codes help us to create the New Earth together.....as One...and from the Heart! During these Planetary Activation Shows Celia explains the current position of the planets and stars and how they affect our lives. On each date we welcome Archangel Michael's Energy Activation. call (805) 830-8344 or Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10940907. Celia Fenn is a Channel for Archangel Michael and a Spiritual Facilitator, Writer and Speaker/Performer, and the Founder of Starchild Global. She travels the world to work with groups of people, working with the