C View Quantum Network

9/10/2018~ C View: Awaken Your Divine Feminine. The Healer Sister Activation



C View presents The Awaken Your Divine Feminine Series and The Healer Sister Activation with Akashic Records Reader, Maryann Candito. The Healer is Attentive, Intuitive, Connected, Selfless, Aware and Compassionate. Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/10937941 The Healer connects at the Soul level to transform dysfunction and energy disruptions. Looks within to find underlying causes. Leads with compassion and kindness. She embodies the connection between Source and the physical. Has deep awareness and compassion. She is Selflessness. Serves with honesty, integrity, and kindness The Divine Feminine is the universal consciousness of creation materialized in the feminine form. It is both physical and energetic, as it is emotional and cosmic. The Divine Feminine, or Divine Masculine, is the bridge connecting Spirit and Physical. When you are able to tap into this force and awaken it, you unleash power that you could not even imagine. This is the closest you will come to the power you harness when you are united with