C View Quantum Network

5/25/2018 - C View: D A R E by author Estelle Toby Spike, MA, ECTP



C View welcomes back author Estelle Toby Spike, MA, ECTP, with an interview on her book: DARE… In the late 1960s, a young woman takes a mystical journey through the East. What she discovers there will affect the rest of her life—and possibly yours. Estelle’s life changed with her mother’s death. In the aftermath of that excruciating pain and loss, her home town of Media, Pennsylvania, no longer seemed to offer what she needed, so she headed west. She landed first in San Francisco but then realized that if she went far enough west, she’d end up in the East—and there, maybe she’d actually find herself. She accepts a playfully-offered dare and takes the plunge, and so Toby sailed west to the East, traveling and living in India and Thailand and (eventually) to Europe, where she developed her calling as a transpersonal therapist. This was a journey of personal transformation and self-discovery. In Dare, Estelle offers the story of her adventurous life to others, ending each chapter with a companion section desi