Dr. Carol Francis

Safety Tools for Astral Projection, Remote Viewing and Shamanic Journeying



Dr. Carol Francis via drcarolfrancis.com is  Clinical Psychologist and Marriage, Family & Child Therapist.  Dr. Carol Francis via Spiritual Journey Tools on YouTube.com or souljourneytools.com teaches the amazing processes of Astral Projection, Beginning Steps of Remote Viewing and Shamanic Journeying as well.  These last three processes are amazingly life changing especially when verifiable.  But few individuals experiment with such and many soulful or spiritually conscious individuals who venture into these practices have an element of fear which needs to be discussed openly.  This radio show is dedicated to examing many fears and many techniques to negotiate the "fears" of pursuing the Out-Of-Body moments.   Enjoy, Practice and Evolve and contact Dr. Carol Francis at drcarolfrancis@gmail.com for psychotherapy issues or spiritualjourneytools@gmail.com for spiritual counseling on-line or one-to-one work.  Cheers for now.