Dr. Carol Francis

Anxiety, Fear, Social Phobia, Fear of Public Speaking, Shy



Nothing stops people from progressing in life more quickly than anxiety, fear, social fears, fear of speaking in public, socializing in groups, or the overwhelming feelings of shyness.  These inhibit everyone from being their best or moving forward.  Dr. Carol Francis, Psychologist and psychotherapist for over 32 years, discusses over 20 different tools for overcoming fear, anxiety, and shyness.   These tools include psychological mental, emotional, and physical exercises to start implementing as soon as possible. These tools alter your attitude and your points of view on your anxiety and those situations which cause you to shy away from being all of who you are.  You can contact Dr. Carol Francis at 310-543-1824  or drcarolfrancis.com.  For those who sign-up/subscribe/and ask for copy on Dr. Carol Francis Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Carol-Francis/270174286345413  YOU WILL RECEIVE A PDF of an article -- BE FREE OF ANXIETY BLOCKS from her up and coming book:  Victory in Face of Emotional Defea