Dr. Carol Francis

Hydraulic Fracturing Poisoning Blackfeet Reservation Protest



  Blackfeet Tribal Council Faces Whether to Sacrifice the Beauty and Health of their Montana Lands for the promised Moneys of Oil Companies Who Wish to Hydraulically Fracture – Destroy – the Blackfeet Reservations in Montana. Dr. Carol Francis Radio Talk Show interviews a prime peaceful activist Woman, Pauline Matt, who on August 5-12, 2012 will Walk a Peaceful Protest Against Hydraulic Fracturing the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana. Fracking, Hydraulic Fracturing, kills the land, animals, plants by poisoning the waters. Every country must face that raping any land or fresh water source for money is wrong. Yet money buys blindness. Money buys mindless cooperation. Can money buy Blackfeet Tribal Councils?  Will temporary poverty or the promise of money allow permanent damage of the land, Dr. Carol Francis asks? Will the Blackfeet Tribal Council allow their amazingly rich soil be destroyed by Fracking? The Blackfeet Reservation in Northern Montana is filled with medicinal plants, endangered animals, and f