Dr. Carol Francis

Teenagers: College Applications, Drugs, Eating & Parents



Dr. Carol Francis explores teenagers' lives as they grow into adulthood.  Applying for colleges occupies the Junior and Senior years of High School.  College itself centrally affects the rest of one's life and teenagers know the importance of those applications, ACT and SAT results, grades and the pressure is on.  Dr. Susan Condon from Coast to Coast, College Admissions will discuss these pressures, the hows of application to colleges and how parents can help.  She works out of the South Bay area of Los Angeles, California but her company works from New York through Los Angeles.  She can be reached at:  310-600-2877 or http://c2ccollegeadmissions.com. During the second half of this teen and parent hour, Dr. Moe Gelbart from Gelbart and Associates will shed light on drug and alcohol addiction in teens, parent-teen conflicts and resolutions, and dealing with the pressures teens face as a parent.  Dr. Moe Gelbart can be reached in the South Bay Area of  Los Angeles County, California.  at http://www.gelbartanda