Journeys Of Faith

Journeys of Faith -6- Eleanor - Totus2us



Eleanor, from England: "I had a real struggle a couple of years ago with self-worth and just seeing yourself as beautiful .. and I really struggled with body image, I suppose most girls do. Anyway I kept coming to the New Dawn conferences and there you can feel the Holy Spirit in you, He's working in you and He's giving you the strength. You're told by society you're something that you are not and it gets into your head. But at these conferences, you are just taught that Jesus loves you, no matter what you look like, no matter how much you weigh, He loves you so much. And this brings me on to Mary - I feel like Mary has been really strong in my life. If you look at her as a woman, as a woman of Christ, how much she just loved Jesus and how beautiful she is. She has really helped strengthen me. Anyway, I went through a rocky part in my life - I took Philosophy and Ethics A level and I felt that really put me off my faith. I had 5 hours of lessons a week and for that 5 hours I was told why God is not omnipoten