The Tracy & Craig Show

The Last Rainbow Connection of 2016!



Tracy is a consultant/business owner of Fort Consulting Services.  She is the co-host of The Tracy & Craig Show and runs The Tracy & Craig Show websites adding a lot of entertaining articles to the website. She is also a music reviewer for both live and new music.  She is also host for the LGBTQ show on Fridays for the Rainbow Connection.  You can follow her on Twitter at @TracyFortShow.  The show's website is In our first hour, Eliza Andrews, a lesbian fiction author joins us.  Her most recent novel is To Have Loved and Lost.  This is diretly from the author's website: "To Have Love and Lost has been more popular and wildly more successful than any of my previous books.  And on top of that, it feels like writing it was doing something good for the LGBTQ community.  Given the current political climate, that feels important.  It’s not much to offer, but it’s something."  We will be discussing her career, ways to follow her, and much more. Follow Eliza on Twitter @RAMarshall78