The Tracy & Craig Show

This Wednesday, May 11, at 12:00 CST as Jerry Mitchell Joins the Show Again



Since 1989, the investigative reporter for The Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, MS, has unearthed documents, cajoled suspects and witnesses, and quietly pursued evidence in the nation’s notorious killings from the civil rights era. His work helped put four Klansmen behind bars giving justice to these families: Medgar Evers; the four beautiful young ladies in the Birmingham church bombing; Vernon Dahmer; and, Chaney, Goodman, & Schwerner (aka, Mississippi Burning case) After winning the prestigious George Polk Award for a second time, Mitchell received a MacArthur genius grant — only the second investigative reporter to ever receive the $500,000 award. Others have also noticed his work. In 1996, filmmakers portrayed him in the movie Ghosts of Mississippi about the reopening of the Medgar Evers assassination.  In October 1998, Mitchell was recognized a at the Kennedy Center in Washington. ABC's Chris Wallace told those gathered for the Anti-Defamation League event, "Jerry Mitchell isn't comfortable being called