Insane Growth With Mitchell Harper

Ep #33: The Most Expensive Mistake You Can Make In Business



Learn more about The Science Of Business Growth workshop I'm running in Sydney from June 12th-14th at the first six years of my "entrepreneurial career" I thought I could figure everything out on my own...Need something designed? I'll learn Photoshop. Need a sales letter written? I'll learn copywriting. Need to raise capital? I'll read a book about it!Back then I didn't understand what compressing time meant. And I didn't even realize there were people who could help me grow my business.As a result, my business stalled and I couldn't grow it past $1,000,000 in sales.But then, I made one critical decision that changed everything.​​My revenue doubled within a year. Then it doubled again. And again. And again. In fact, it doubled for 7 consecutive years.... all from one decision I made.What was that decision? Listen to this episode to find out.Support the show