Rae And Tay Today

David Wells and the 20th Anniversary of his New York Yankees Perfect Game



Can you believe it's been 20 years since David Wells pitched a perfect game for the New York Yankees?  We will be speaking with Boomer himself and will chat about that magical afternoon and his fantastic 20-year career.  We will talk World Series and what it means to him, and explore some of his favorite teams and moments.  What was it like being on three different teams, twice?  Boomer did it with the Toronto Blue Jays, New York Yankees and San Diego Padres. We will talk about life after baseball, broadcasting on TBS, and what he thinks about today's game.  We will also learn more about a David Wells' great charity and gala around the perfect games. Join us as we talk baseball with the great David Wells. 12:00pm ET @RaeAndTayToday www.RaeAndTayToday.com