Wealthy Wednesday Show Hosted By Luci Mcmonagle

Magical Money Manifestations (Interviewed by Nicola Grace)



The Wealthy Wednesday Show is building a movement to empower Woman Entrepreneurs. It is our aim to inspire and help heart-centered, goal orientated woman entrepreneurs to build her dream business, do what she loves to do while making this world a better place in the process. Get ready for more money, more freedom and more joy in your life as you are awakened, inspired and transformed. This show is hosted by Luci McMonagle, the Mystic Wealth Creator for Conscious Women Entrepreneurs. Luci helps conscious women entrepreneurs scale to a profitable double six figure business so they can create wealth, and become philanthropists making a big impact in the world. This special episode features my guest interview by Nicola Grace, The Mission Mentor. Nicola is a speaker, trainer, and mentor helping social entrepreneurs clarify & monetize their life mission so they can make a bigger impact and leave a legacy. Luci McMonagle transformed her poverty-stricken life that she grew up in into one of abundance, wealth, a