M&g Vs Scripts

Ep 7 - From Soviet Russia with Love



This script has nothing to do with James Bond. It has everything to do with um other stuff. Listen please? Kyle does the intro on this one so it at least starts well.    Timeline Intro (00:10-00:40) Kyle likes Game of Thrones and our Love Life (00:48-10:30) Reading and Reflection and Gameplan (10:30-33:30) Reading our New Script (34:25-41:05) Reflection and some more Bullshit (41:05-50:45) Outro (50:55-52:00)   Whatever. Listen. Don't Listen. Either way, we will put out this aggressively mediocre trash.    Follow us on Instagram or Twitter. You can also find us on Hinge. But to be more involved we would love if you sent us your script to read on a future episode. Send those to MandGvsScripts@gmail.com