Sophie The Parisian Sophiescat Podcast

Ep 7: Conversation with Cécilia Hermabessière owner of Les Bonbons, the trendiest candy shop in Paris



In today’s episode, Cécilia Hermabessière, owner of one of the trendiest and vintage candy shop of Paris is sharing with us interesting topics about vintage candies ! She tells us how at one time when eating sugar is not very fashionable… her small boutique « Les Bonbons » of the 6th arrondissement of Paris is always full of nostalgic and passionate people looking for the candy of their childhood. Have sweets become a way to face crises with more serenity or simply a kind of "Madeleine de Proust" that brings us back to our childhood with licorice, marshmallow, chocolate teddy bears and Vichy pastille! An original Podcast not to be missed for gourmets and nostalgic people!