Fx Medicine Podcast Omics

Biomarker Patterns in Personalised Medicine with Elizma Lambert



Elizma Lambert is a complex-case detective who enjoys identifying patterns in her patients' signs and symptoms, genetics, environment and functional testing. In today's interview she shares with us how she selects the screening tools she uses to guide her clinical decisions. Elizma discusses, with some great clinical examples, why she chooses organic acid testing, genetic SNP testing, microbiological testing and heavy metal screening in her complex cases to help her uncover the blocks in a person's healing journey. Find today's show notes and transcript here: https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/content/biomarker-patterns-personalised-medicine-elizma-lambert *****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions or concerns regarding you