Tammy Adams - Karma Talk

Are you giving your love and energy to the right people?



Taking back your energy so that you can be filled with light once again! Why do we waste our time giving to those who really don't want the help? Why do we give away our tears to those who don't care about us at all? Why not focus on taking care of yourself so that you can be complete. This way you can have true happiness and no longer be going in circles. Make sure you know who you are giving to. Don't waste your energy giving to the wrong people.  We give to those who need help. This draws on our energy. But ask yourself, are you getting anything in return? Are you getting anything back or is this a one-way relationship. Lets start standing up for yourself! To receive information about my upcoming events, classes, and monthly Angel messages, sign up for my mailing list today! Visit AskTammyAdams.com to sign-up!