Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #38 | Have More Fun with Life - Confidence Is the Key



Episode #38 | Have More Fun with Life - Confidence Is the Key   Show Transcription: Did you ever notice confident people seem to get more joy out of life? They know how to deal with the challenges that come their way. So, they don’t get hung up on every little issue they face. While having more fun won’t make your problems go away, having the confidence to take on your challenges will open the door for you. Another side benefit to having fun is you will meet more people. Sometimes, these people can hold the answers to some of the challenges you face. For instance, suppose you go on a hike and meet a few new people. In the course of your conversations, you discuss a particular situation you are dealing with. One of the people has dealt with the same issue as you and can advise you on the best ways to handle it. This happens more often than you think. When you allow yourself to have more fun, it helps you combat stress. This alone can help you solve ma