Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #37 | How To Let Go Of Excess Baggages with Lissette Larue



Episode #37 | How To Let Go Of Excess Baggages with Lissette Larue   Show Transcription: In today’s podcast, I am with Lissette, a licensed psychotherapist and counselor who is working with people who are getting over traumas of any type. Lissette operate with her patients on how to let go of excess baggages. This encompasses helping women who want to let go of their wounds, old and unresolved issues, and painful stories in life. Knowing that you can have a shoulder to cry on, a person who is willing to listen to your every woes is somehow a game-changer.   Lissette shared how her experience of standing up to her bully changed her life. After confronting the root cause of your anxiety, your fears and insecurities, things will begin to turn around for good. For some, it may take just a few months, for others, it takes years to even get the courage to speak up. There are a lot of tips on how to let go of excess baggages in life, but it varies from perso