Global Heritage Fund

Göbekli Tepe and Tourism



Topic 1: Göbekli Tepe The oldest place of worship ever discovered, Göbekli Tepe predates the Egyptian pyramids by 6,500 years. Peerless in architecture and artistry, this monument is a true wonder to behold. Called “Potbelly Hill” by locals for its gently sloping curves, Göbekli Tepe appears almost insignificant, a place of little prominence compared to any other mountain in its range. And yet, beneath the tawny earth of the mountaintop lies an astonishing discovery: a temple of monumental design, conceived and built in a time before pottery, agriculture, or even the invention of writing. Topic 2: Overtourism Learn how tourism is a double-edged sword for heritage sites, as rising popularity can cause a range of unexpected problems. Throughout the world, many heritage sites require carefully designed management plans to balance conservation and popular appeal. As sites attract greater degrees of public attention, the subsequent increase in popularity oftentimes swells tourism and visitor numbers, straining si