Founders And Funders

EP 43: A Former Army Captain in the Middle of a New Fight



When Chris Molaro set out to improve the connection between physical and mental health treatment, he hoped to increase follow-through and adoption. But his technology is now poised to identify more effective and faster-acting mental health solutions. Subscribe to Founders and Funders on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google Play, iHeartRADIO, and Android Podcast Players. Episode Summary Christopher Molaro is a former Army captain who, over the course of a six-year tenure, led a platoon of roughly 40 soldiers in 280 Iraqi combat missions. Together, they experienced the full spectrum of danger overseas. But Molaro didn't realize that a grave risk also awaited many of his comrades back home in the U.S.: A lack of mental healthcare awareness and resources. This dynamic became more evident—and deeply personal—when one of Molaro's colleagues took his own life. After returning home from war, the soldier was diagnosed with depression and PTSD and referred to a specialist. But he never followed up. Molaro would soon disc