
真题听力 2007北京



2007高考英语北京卷 听力部分 原文:第一节Text 1W: Where are you from?M: I’m from Atlanta, but I live in New York now.W: I live in Washington D.C. Text 2W: OK, John. How much do you pay for electricity and telephone services?M: My electricity bill is about 50 dollars a month, and my telephone bill is usually 24 dollars a month.W: How much do you pay for transportation?M: 30 dollars a month. Text 3W: Do you happen to know what’s on after the news?M: I think it’s the Animal World. Do you mind if we watch it?W: Mm… can we watch the movie on Channel 6 instead? Text 4M: Hello.W: Hello. I’m calling about the apartment you advertised in the newspaper.M: Two-bedroom or three-bedroom?W: No, the advertisement says one-bedroom, one bath.M: Oh, sorry. That’s not available now. Text 5W: Excuse me.M: Yes?W: I need something for drawing a straight line.M: Oh, you want a ruler. There’s one on my desk. I’ll get it for you. 第二节Text 6M: Mary, I am here!W: Oh, hi! I’m sorry I’m so late. The car wouldn’t start, so I had to come by bus.M: Oh, no. Wh