Corrie Lo Radio

Ep. 34 - How I Embrace Loss as a Professional House Sitter with Iris Schlagwein



People carry their grief in a lot of different ways.  However, today’s Corrie Lo Show guest Iris chose a completely different approach.  Following the death of her father, she decided she no longer wanted to carry ANYTHING and is now living a minimalistic lifestyle as a sought after professional house sitter. By the end of today’s episode, you’ll learn how you can make home wherever you are, because you’ll realize… you are your home.   Episode Highlights  Iris shares her experience growing up with a father who had heart disease (:40) Corrie shares a moment she shared with her son regarding her grief surrounding the anniversary of her late boyfriend's passing.  (6:13) Iris shares how the death of her father when she was a teenage impacted her. (9:06) Iris shares how carrying her grief with no outlet broke her back because she didn't know how to let it go. (13:39). Iris shares how in her healing following her injury that she started to live a more minimalist lifestyle (17:12) Iris describes how she started to