Brian & Sherri 4.0

Hot Topic Thursday/Host Q&A



Hello everyone! Tonight Brian and Sherri discuss a few hot topics that your going to wanna be part of! First we took a poll asking our listeners if Berkshire County (our location) needed more activites for children and young adults to do to stay off the streets and an overwhelming 97% of voters said yes, however we never asked what? So tonight we will be diving in and will see what idea's everyone has. This topic also goes for any community looking to help give children and young adults something to do if you dont have any or enough. Our second Hot topic is the violence happening not only in our community but everywhere at schools and on the streets when it comes to young kids and high school students. Tonight is also Host Q&A where we give our viewers and listeners the chance to ask the hosts questions to better know the hosts and the show!! Have a question? You can always ask during our LIVE Facebook Stream or by dialing our show and talking directly to the hosts!! So as you can see we have a lot to ta